Y Travel Blog

Y Travel Blog

Y Travel’s motto is “Travel more, create better memories”, they may as well add “more” in there because of the extensive amount of traveling the creators have done; all as a happy family. The creators of the blog, like many of its audience, had a yearning inside to travel and seize the opportunity to tell more interesting stories by their dinner table. Whether it’s to escape everyday life or find a greater meaning behind what it means to live every day life, it’s always agreeable that it grants us greater control over our lives. This blog aims to help the reader disconnect themselves from the chaos known as the outside of the world and help them envision the beauties of the other side. Living in 5 countries and adventuring through 52, the couple known as the Makepeace’s holds the belief that life is about accumulating memories, not just possessions. After having two daughters, the couple decided to keep going and show them the beauties of adventure as well. The family serves to inspire many other families with a strong desire to travel but who hold the unfortunate belief that having children would prevent their adventures. Not only that, they also go to show that it’s very much possible to travel the world and spend very little. Traveling somewhere unknown should be a fun and eye opening experience, and that doing so with a loved one would strengthen the bond and doing so with a family would cement a life-long bond with the children; this blog does just that. Within the blog one will encounter advice on how to plan trips with the family, efficiently pack only the necessities, saving money on accommodations, cheap flights and overall choosing the perfect destination. After 17 years of experience, the couple serve as vets of the industry and are here to help anyone salvage money and time.