Salt in Our Hair

Salt in Our Hair

From the mix of the passion for traveling, photography and sharing experiences comes the blog known as Salt in Our Hair. The passion to capture the world through a lens comes further than a 9-5 job, it’s a lifestyle that births as much beauty as it does curiosity. After a backpacking trip in late 2015, many photos were captured and many were shared. After gaining traction from the beauty of them, the photos flew all over social media and the couple behind the now known blog began growing their brand. While simultaneously working at their corporate jobs, the couple made as much time possible to update Salt in Our Hair. Posting weekly on the blog and daily on their rapid growing Instagram page, the couple would find time to travel every 12 weeks after working their jobs. Two years later they quit their corporate jobs and began working full time on what appeared to be their new dream job. Salt in Our Hair encapsulates not only the needed travel guides but the absolute mesmerizing beauty of the photos behind them, to truly provide a further insight towards the beauty of the adventure. Their experience proved to be a test on how they’d organize and live their lives, and this blog works as a diary to offer a direct perspective on how they did this and all the adventures they went through. A picture is said to be worth a thousand words, this blog does a lot in displaying that. Salt in Our Hair provides a gorgeous collection of content from various cities and destinations with the mastery of photography, design and social media. When building and marketing their blog, the couple emphasized on content writing and ensuring all the visuals were on point. Gaining massive popularity from adding presets to already beautiful photos through Instagram, Salt in Our Hair soon began to collaborate with bigger blogs and travel related websites.