7 Tricks to Feel Comfortable During a Long Flight

Traveling to far away destinations is the most exciting thing ever! I know that for a fact! However the long haul flight might be something that some people are not looking forward to so much. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you feel comfortable during a long flight until you land in your awesome destination.

1.Always take a scarf with you onboard

Usually airlines distribute some blankets and pillows to passengers in long-haul flights however exceptions can occur. You will never know when this exception will happen so better be prepared.

Also the cold conditioned air in the cabin can easily cause you catching a cold, even though you’d be flying to a warm destination. Ideally you should have your own light scarf that you can take and cover your neck, face or whole body to keep you warm at any time. Controlling your body temperature is key to feel comfortable during a long flight.

2.Skip the tight denim and wear comfy fitness leggings or sweatpants

Most likely you will spend your time during the flight in a seated position, unless you are traveling first class. At some point sitting starts to restrict the free blood circulation to your legs and tight pants will only reinforce that. As a result your legs might feel heavy and swollen after the flight.

Comfortable sporty style pants will not depress your legs and abdominal area though. Another plus for wearing sporty clothing is that it’s going to be much easier to change the sitting position for you and do some stretches during the flight.

Click here for the complete list of tips to feel comfortable during a long flight.

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